The Journey of a Lifetime

Sharise “Sherry” Proctor is FIRST a loving mother, an engaged “aunt-grandma,” lover of her family and a great friend. The caregiver roll has been a part of her life for as long as she can remember. Her professional career includes years of elementary education/child care provider and later transitioning into the roll of managing cases serving populations to include developmental disabilities, veteran homelessness, HIV/AIDS, senior care, and mental health. As a life long caregiver, she made the decision to work with and support families who have remained in the trenches providing opportunities for their loved ones to be cared for in a familiar setting (their home) or to support them from afar if the need arose for them to be cared for by provider agencies.

PDC Family Consultant, LLC was birthed from a life of care and concern for others and is now focusing on those who provide daily care YET also require special care from themselves.

What’s All The Chatter About

Motivation for caregiver wellness comes from within — work with us to activate it.

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